Thursday, October 16, 2008

That was exciting...

Not really... After only 2 days my blog was flagged and locked for being a "possible spam blog", I really don't think anyone is reading this yet and anyone that was probably isn't anymore due to the huge gap of time that the blog was locked.

Anyways, on to the beef. I was driving up to school today for a lecture and I couldn't help but thinking how incredibly stupid some drivers are. We have a major secondary highway running through our city which in places turns into a 8 lane freeway. I was cruising along at a brisk 120kph listening to music enjoying the smooth flow of traffic, when out of nowhere a silver Honda Civic cuts me off and slows down, forcing me to put on my brakes and wonder what is going on. As it turns out NOTHING is going on, this dumb broad in the civic just wanted to be in the fast lane but do almost 20kph slower that everyone else. Now I drive a little red sports car so what did I do? Yeah that's right, I dropped a gear, switched lanes, sped past her, got back into my fast lane and away I went. After getting off on my exit I was stopped a red light and beside me up pulls, low and behold the silver civic, with honestly one of the most 'sour' looking women driving I have ever seen. "Weird", I thought to myself, "It appears we are going the same direction". After the light turned green I had to wait a second or two for the car ahead to turn left but by then the silver civic had gained a pretty big lead on me and was far ahead. Anyone that knows me will know that I usually (especially when I'm driving my car) don't drive slow, so now with a nice huge empty road ahead of myself and about 4 blocks before I have to turn left to get to school I gunned it, hard. I was probably doing 80 or 90kph within 3 or 4 seconds and sure enough on comes the left hand turn signal of the silver sour civic. At these speeds I usually think to myself "Ok don't panic, they see you coming and will wait till your past" I usually think this because my car is pretty loud when its wound up to 7000RPM and I'm usually moving VERY fast. When I saw her blinker turn on I was doing more than double her speed and only 4 or 5 car lengths behind her. Needless to say within the next 2 or 3 seconds I would have been far past her leaving her free to switch lanes at will. but oooooh no. She decided that switching lanes NOW was her best course of action. So what do I do? I slam on my brakes, now I have VERY VERY VERY good brakes and ABS together they stop my car FAST. To me it almost felt like I had hit her. My brakes snapped my speed down to 10kph or lower in what felt like half a second. I open my eyes, take a breath and check to see if my insides are still inside of me then I look up to make sure I didn't hit her. Relief! Success! Rejoice! No accident today... Wait! Whats that?! Anger! Fury! The stupid cow in the silver civic has slowed down and is giving me the middle finger and shaking her head at me! I'm gonna pause this right now and give you a quick recap of the events.

Silver civic cuts me off and slows down on the free way forcing me to cut around her and continue on.
Speed limit 110kph - My Speed 120kph - Her speed 100-105kph

After taking the exit and waiting at a red light the civic pulls up beside me and pulls ahead while I wait for a car to turn. I gun it and I'm quickly doing twice her speed when she cuts me off forcing me to slam on my brakes. I then get the finger and shake of the head from her.
Speed limit 100kph - My speed 90kph - Her speed 50-60kph

Ok so now as you can see I'm doing UNDER the speed limit still when she cuts me off. Its not my fault she drives a car with no balls and takes her 20 minutes to get to the speed limit. So when is she giving me the bird for cutting me off? Who knows, maybe she thinks it's her God given right to change lanes as she pleases, when she pleases. This however is NOT the end of the story. Now that I'm behind little miss sour c*nt it tuns out 3 blocks later that we are turning the same way yet again. Keep in mind here that even though we both needed the same turning lane she had hundreds upon hundreds of feet in which to do it after I passed her. Anyways, after we get into the turning lane I'm behind her and I pull up my usual distance and sit there waiting for the light. Then I look up and she is giving me the finger and waving for me to back up. To which I think to myself "You dumb hoe I'm not moving anywhere" So... I creep up a little bit closer to her car, now I see her either mouthing or screaming in her car "Back Up Asshole" to me. Turning light flashes green and she is still turned toward me not paying attention so, here is one of the fun parts I rev my engine HARD with makes her eyes go wide and I just lay on the horn and I'm not talking *honk* *honk* here I'm talking a full on 7 second blast of pure ear drum shattering (at least at 7:30am) nastiness. So she turns around and continues on, by this time I'm having fun again because I know I have some time to really mess with her. So I got right on her ass. We are driving slowly and I'm trying to see how close I can get to her bumper all the while she is waving me back screaming and still tossing that finger around. Now some of you may or may NOT know that once you piss me off I become a real asshole and that's exactly what I did next. The road we were on split into 2 lanes allowing her to change lanes and avoid me. Well no... for me this was not over. I sped up cut her off and slammed on my brakes. Hard enough to make them squeal. Then I cut back into my previous lane slowed down got beside her looked over and with a smile and a wink started nudging my car closer to hers, basically squeezing her off the road. My plan went a little to far when I heard her tires start to rub the concrete curb and she panicked and drove up onto the grass. I quickly sped away hoping she didn't have time to get my plate.
Now that I think about it tho, fuck her. she almost caused an accident got pissed at the wrong person and was acting like a complete douche bag. A little road rash on her brand new rims is a small price to pay for pissing me off. Anyways, that's it for this morning, I have a class starting now.


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