Monday, October 6, 2008

In class.

Well here we are, the first real post on this blog. As I write this short little update I find myself on a break from class reading a textbook on computers. As it so happens its a book on A+ and everything that has to do with studying for those exams. I already have my A+ certification but its always good to go back and look at the book again as a refresher. I'm just currently reading the chapter on DOS, Windows 9x/Me and Startup disks. I wish I could say that I'm learning lots of new things but its not really the case. I know most of this stuff already, meaning I'm looking at DOS commands and remembering my childhood. I dunno how many of you remember using DOS but to open files and launch programs you had to issue text based commands. It kinda looked like this;

You start at a prompt like so;
now if you type a command in this case 'dir'
and hit enter you get a list that looks like;

09/09/2008 11:37 AM Games
09/09/2008 12:42 PM Programs
01/20/2008 09:12 AM Office
09/11/2008 10:28 AM Internet
09/12/2008 06:17 AM Documents
2 File(s) 1,437 bytes
5 Dir(s) 34,989,518,848 bytes free

So then it puts you back at the prompt and you get to go along your merry way... Fun huh? Needless to say it was quite a bit different back then. But it was how it was done, I remember and I still got it memorized just because of how many times I had typed it. How to launch a program called X-Wing... yup the same X-Wing from Star Wars. Great game. I loved it. The command was.

c:\sencha\programs\games\xwing xwing.exe

That launched my game... and boy how I loved it. (I didn't use the name Sencha I used my real name in the old DOS days... haha)

Anyways, thats my blog for my school break and getting some fond memories from reading a old textbook.

Till next time,


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